Author: Kathy Foldes

Take this simple action to protect our forests! Now!

The legislative session is nearly over, and we need all hands on deck to get HB 2357B, the most important forest policy still alive this session, over the finish line.
For over three decades, OFRI has masqueraded as a forest advocacy group when in reality they are a timber industry interest group. A quick perusal of their board tells you all you need to know; its membership is stacked with timber industry advocates and executives.
Urge your Senator to vote yes on HB 2357B to protect our forests. Many of us live in Sen. Steiner-Hayward’s district. Her email is
HB 2357B will improve Oregon forest management by moving tax dollars away from the Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI). It will direct tax dollars to fund sound forest management practices, like forest pesticide regulation and monitoring, climate smart forestry, assistance to small woodland owners, adaptive management driven by research, and more.

Actions for Today!

      Call your STATE reps to pass bills in the Oregon legislature. We only have three weeks left to get these bills across the line. Below are the numbers and brief description of the bill. All these bills have been vetted by COIN (Coordinated Oregon Indivisible Network) and our group has signed on to support them. Please call your reps and tell them to support these bills too.

When you have your rep on the phone, please also tell them to VOTE TO EXPEL REP. NEARMAN from office. There is a hearing on Wednesday, June 9th at 5:30pm. Rep Nearman is not fit to serve as more details have come out showing him coordinating with far right extremists to let them into the state capital. PLEASE CALL YOUR REPS TODAY.

HB 3265A, the Sanctuary Promise Act
HB 3220, THE Universal Legal Representation bill
HB2932, Creating a Law Enforcement Database
HB2930, Statewide Law Enforcement conduct standard
HB3145, Public database for Law Enforcement misconduct
HB 2819, Leave No Worker Behind
SB499, Compensation for the wrongfully convicted

MAXINE DEXTER 503-986-1433
KEN HELM 503-986-1434
KATE LIEBER 503-986-1714

ICM Neighborhood Leaders win races–local ones this time.

BRAVO Indivisible Cedar Mill and BRAVO Washington County!
Through hard work, determination, timely donations, recruiting excellent candidates, and sticking to our Progressive ideals, we have elected the most diverse group of School Board and Parks District Directors this County has ever seen. Once again, ICM stepped up to help “make stuff happen!”
Last night we proved that representation matters by lifting up a wonderful mixture of candidates that look like and sound like our community. People who will be the voices for those, especially our children, who aren’t always heard. WE helped do this and it’s an important reminder that people power DOES work.
Congratulations to all who stepped up to create change and serve. We believe in you… and yes, we will hold all of our elected officials accountable.

Call today, don’t delay!

Hey, ICM, we need to call our Members of Congress and urge them to use our government’s role to do what the Preamble to the US Constitution says to “promote the common welfare” by passing S1, HR4 and HR 51 to help us all Thrive. These bills ensure equitable distribution of the Internet, voting rights, healthy people and planet, and justice for all.

Indivisible USA has asked us to use this messaging. Please call Sen. Wyden 202-224-5244

Sen. Merkley: 202-224-3753 and Rep. Bonamici 202-225-0855.


Let’s get ‘er done!

ICM, there’s a new opportunity to do Vote Forward letters! Please jump on it!

So many of us wrote thousands of Vote Forward letters for the 2020 election and it made a difference. Right now, you can make a difference in targeted states where there are upcoming special elections. Do you have stamps, envelopes, a printer and a computer? Vote Forward has a  campaign to send thank-you letters to those infrequent voters who voted in the last election to encourage them to keep on voting–especially in special elections that are coming up very soon. Go to and sign up for 5 letters, or 20 letters. 

Want action–here’s what you can do to make a difference!

Partner with ACLU of Oregon supporters statewide at virtual Lobby Days April 29-30

Engaging with your legislators and advocating for your community is more important than ever. Please join ACLU of Oregon supporters statewide at our virtual Lobby Days April 29-30 to demand bold action from our state-elected leaders.
This virtual event will be your opportunity to advocate for progressive policies and budget requests in areas including immigrants’ rights, reimagined policing, protection and restoration of voting rights, and criminal justice reform.
Lobby Days
The ACLU Lobby Days.
Demand bold progress from Oregon’s elected officials.
Thursday, April 29, 1 – 4:30 p.m.
Friday, April 30, 9 – 12 p.m.
Register Now!
We’ve organized two days of rich programming and training; view the agenda. Tune in live to hear from ACLU staff, community leaders, and elected officials, or watch the recordings and materials on your own time, and then meet virtually with legislators along with your fellow community members.
This is a free event, but pre-registration is required. ASL interpretation and captioning will be provided. Please RSVP now and be sure to let us know any other accommodations that will help you participa

Help make state legislatures turn blue!

Upcoming special elections provide a major opportunity to uphold Democratic values and continue rejecting Trumpism nationwide.
The DLCC already had some major wins this year – including in some traditionally Republican areas – and we need to keep them coming to protect our Democratic coalition.
The next four weeks feature as many as TEN special elections, spread out all throughout the country, starting as soon as tomorrow. Check them out:
Date State Seat
March 20 Louisiana HD-82
March 23 Virginia SD-38
March 30 Massachusetts HD-19 (Suffolk)
April 6 California AD-79
April 6 Missouri HD-45
April 6 Oklahoma SD-22
April 6 Wisconsin HD-89
April 6 Wisconsin SD-13
April 13 Connecticut HD-112
April 13 New Hampshire HD-21 (Hillsborough)
Some of these races are in Trump-won districts that won’t be easy wins – but that just means we’ll have to fight even harder to gain ground.

Hey, ICM. Ready to do more postcards?

ICM, are you ready for another postcard effort? This one is with Swing Left to ensure passage of HR. 1/S 1. We will be both doing postcards and calls to voters in AZ for them to call/email Sen. Sinema to urge her to support voting rights. This may also mean making sure that the filibuster does not stop passing S1/voting rights. The text is already printed on the postcards and all volunteers have to do is write 1-2 scripted sentences. The postcards also have address labels. It will take less than 2 minutes to complete each postcard.

Email Michelle Inness at to get signed up.
We will need donations of money and stamps.