Category: Uncategorized

Oregon state House Dist 33 House District 33 Redistricting Town Hall on Tuesday, September 7th at 6:30 PM event

Our area has grown so HD 33 with be redistricted. Let’s keep neighborhoods together that should be together. Voice your opinion!

Register in advance for 9/7 HD 33 Redistricting Town Hall with Rep. Maxine Dexter:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

This event will also be streamed live on Rep Dexter’s Facebook

Contact U.S. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici to urge true Clean Energy Standards

This is a critical time for the climate. Just look at our soaring temperatures, droughts, forest fires!

Urge Rep. Bonamici to cosponsor the American Renewable Energy Act which ensures renewables are prioritized in a CES (Clean Energy Standards). Call her today at 1-202-225-0855 (press #3 to bypass the blah blah). Remind her that natural gas produces greenhouse gases and should not be part of any clean energy policy.

And then….Post about this on your social media! Get the word out!

Push, push, push for the For the People Voting Rights Act!

The push is on! Call your senators, contact your networks to call their senators. At yesterday’s call with Senator Merkely, he advised us that The For the People Voting Rights Act will be coming up in August and pressure from the people can force filibuster reform that has blocked it from debate so far. We need to speak up every day and show up in Washington D.C., if possible, so that the whole country knows what is at stake.
As they say, Just Do It! Call your senators

Heads-up ICM–Upcoming Events and E-newsletter

Tomorrow, July 7th ICM Deadline for Democracy Rally across from the Beaverton Library at 5 pm.

Saturday, July 10th, ICM potluck snacks at 10 am. Check your e-newsletter for details. Come and help assemble kits for Blanchet House to which generous ICM’ers donated.

Monday, July 12th ICM monthly meeting. Social time 6:30, meeting 7 pm. Check your newsletter for the Zoom link. State Rep. Maxine Dexter will be our speaker. Come to hear about the legislative session and her take on where we are with COVID, health care and more.

Deadline for Democracy in Beaverton July 7th! Come one, come all ICM!

Defend the Right to Vote!
Across from the Beaverton City LIbrary on SW Hall St.
12375 SW 5th St
Beaverton, OR 97005
When: Wednesday, July 7, 5:00 PM

Indivisibles all over the country will be attending events like this. We need to show up and have our voices heard!
We need to show our Senators that there is overwhelming grassroots support for voting rights and the For the People Voting Rights Act. Come join us as we hold signs and call for protecting our Democracy and protecting the right to vote for all. We must stop the erosion of hard run rights to voting access for all. What happens with voting rights in every single state and to every single person affects all of us. Bring signs and friends!

Event Issue Focus: Deadline for Democracy
Lisa Stiller created this event for us, please RSVP and join us on Wednesday, July 7th at the Beaverton Library from 5-6pm to hold signs.…/attend-local…/163524/…