Resistance Letter #38



OUR MISSION: Rebuild and maintain a progressive majority in every level of government – federal, state and local.


December 17, 2017
Day 330 of 1461 days

Dear Co-defendants –

 Taxscam Close to Approval

Republicans exist to lower taxes and transfer wealth to the already rich. It’s their thing. If there were any shred of Lincolnian philosophy left in that party, it’s difficult to discern. Lacking an Act of God, some deus ex machina, both houses will vote on a reconciled taxscam sometime this upcoming week. All the opposition (even Senator Corker!) has folded and numbers seem to be there for the approval. Thad Cochran could stay recuperating in Mississippi, and John McCain could rest a little more in Bethesda Hospital, and then we need just one more ‘no’ vote! Rand Paul, McCain, Corker and Flake are still remote possibilities of possessing common decency, so our Calls to Action include them this final week of the congressional session. After the taxscam vote and after addressing the budget and national debt issues, Congress will break for the holidays, leaving Trump alone in Washington to do whatever he is going to do!


OR1 District-wide Training

 All OR-1Activist Indivisibilities are invited to a training session to be held Saturday January 6, 2018. Here is the event Info URL or

Saturday Jan 6, 1-5pm

Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ
5150 SW Watson Ave
Beaverton, OR 97005


Taxscam Protest

Anticipating passing of the bill, local progressives, led by Indivisible, will met at the corner of NW Murray and NW Cornell on Monday between 4 and 5 PM. Bring your signs and warm clothing!!


Trump v Mueller

Rumors and speculation abound about the possibility of Trump daring to fire Mueller and shut down the investigation. Certainly, the Republicans, including especially Senator Cornyn of TX, have been at pains to trash the integrity of Mueller, his associates, the FBI and the investigation. Some observers feel that Trump will act as soon as the Congress all go home for the break. He might.

But take heart from the obvious fact that Mueller is not stupid, and he will be ready for any eventuality that occurs. He and the investigation are not defenseless, and Trump and his mustachioed lawyer, Ty Cobb, have to look on him as a dangerous individual to attack.

Christmas is pardon time, though! If Trump preemptively pardons people like Cushner and his boys, you may look for an immediate challenge in the Supreme Court .

Should Trump attempt to dismiss/fire Mueller, ICM has a protest planned. If the news of firing reaches us prior to 2PM local time, we will assemble at 5:00PM that day. If the incident occurs after 2PM local time, the protest starts at noon the next day. In either case, assemble at NW Murray and NW Cornell to make a lot of outrage and noise about this.


A Reckless Con Man as President

Read today’s LA Times op-ed piece on Trump. The writer maintains Trump is not the most important issue today, although he is horrible enough. But, what is in the American psyche that allowed 68 million people to cast votes for this con man, knowing that he was an ignorant, crude and immoral bully?

‘A reckless con man as president’: LA Times burns Trump to the ground in brutal editorial



Call Senators Merkley and Wyden and Representative Suzanne Bonamici to urge them to put a premium on solving the DACA situation.

Senator Ron Wyden – 202-224-5244
Senator Jeff Merkley – 202-224-3753
Representative Suzanne Bonamici – 202-225-0855

These four senators remain a distant possibility of a ‘no’ vote, very distant!

Senator Jeff Flake (AZ) – 202-224-4521
Senator John McCain (AZ) – 202-224-2235
Senator Bob Corker(TN) – 202-224-3344
Senator Rand Paul – 202 -224-4343



The meeting is set for Monday, January 8, at 1750 NW 131st, 97229. Doors open at 6:30PM and the meeting starts promptly at 7:30 PM.  Refreshments, both adult and juvenile will be provided along with a few tasty snacks.  

L’audace, encore l’audace, et toujours l’audace!

Thank you.

John Fox