OUR MISSION: Rebuild and maintain a progressive majority in every level of government – federal, state and local.
Resistance Letter #46
March 23, 2018
Day 427 of 1461 days
Dear Co-defendants –
March 24 Protest
The big national march to protest gun violence and to seek some measure of sanity in dealing with automatic rifles takes place tomorrow The march is nationwide. The Portland protest will gather at The North Blocks (Burnside and 9th, more or less). The march is a family affair, so bring along children and grand-children, and allow them to march for their own lives and the lives of fellow students.
Lots of individual Indivisibles are marching with their children and grandchildren, so the group will be loosely connected at best. We will try to see what can be done, but, if Washington was any lesson, we will be outnumbered by many people and organizations, Try to meet at the parking lot of the Jewish Museum as 8th and NW Couch, and we’ll see what can be done.
Candidates Night

Washington County Resistance and Indivisible Cedar Mill sponsored a progressive candidates’ night at Leedy Grange Hall on March 19, Monday. Candidates for County Chair, County Chair District 2, and Metro Representative for District 4 were all there. Candidates for the Washington County Chair were Ryan Deckert, Kathryn Harrington and Shabba Woodley. For Washington County Chair Position 2, we had Greg Malinowski and Pam Treece. Additionally, Dana Carstensen and Juan Carlos Gonzales were speaking as candidates for Metro District 4.
The meeting went off very well, and was attended by about 35-40 people. Paige Dickson of Washington County Resistors posed pre-selected question to the candidates, and did a terrific job. By and large, the candidates all addressed the questions squarely, but several were caught off guard on the specifics of the answer.
Karyn Servin of CM Indivisible is organizing a committee to interview the candidates, and to obtain agreement on endorsements. These endorsements will be used locally, and will also be registered with Indivisible National for access by any and all. Our phone bank activity and canvassing will be tied in with our endorsements.
Those Illinois Races
Last month we participated in mailing postcards to get out the vote for Marie Newman who was running against Dan Lipinski for Representative in Congress. Marie was a distant runner when she started a few months back, and came up well, but not well enough. She lost by a two-point margin, 51-49 percent. This saddens us of course, but it is amazing that she did as well as she did against a machine-supported candidate in a machine-supported district. In 2020, this woman will win the race.
Overall, Democratic voter participation was up an astounding 300% V 2014 and 30% V 2010. Republicans tended to stay home, with a 30% drop in participation. This is, of course, a very strong showing for the progressive element, and will lead us to taking over the House strongly in November.
In a separate statement, Donald J Trump has read some of the tea leaves and is bemoaning the fact that, as popular as he is, he cannot drag all the Republicans along with him. Poor boy.
We will continue our postcard events to get out the vote for progressive candidates. I will have another 250 cards ready for pick-up and mailing by Tuesday next. We will still be supporting Dr Hiral Tiperneni in Arizona if all goes well! I will have 25 packs each of cards with all the usual accompaniments. I will send out a message on Monday to volunteers to come pick up their cards; five dollars for 10 cards!
District Attorney for Washington County
There has been considerable angst in finding a decent attorney to run for this office. One of the major problems is that it is not as generously renumerated as most attorneys demand. Nevertheless, some candidate has surfaced and is yet, believe it or not, not identified. The candidate will be in King City on April 8th and we will be going there to check his bona fides, if any. Call Karyn or reply to this letter to come along on the ride!
The meeting is set for Monday, April 9, at 1750 NW 131st, 97229. Doors open at 6:30PM and the meeting starts promptly at 7:30 PM. Refreshments, both adult and juvenile will be provided along with a few tasty snacks.
L’audace, encore l’audace, et toujours l’audace!
Thank you.
John Fox