Resistance Letter #52



OUR MISSION: Rebuild and maintain a progressive majority in every level of government – federal, state and local.


June 14, 2018
Day 508 of 1461 days

Dear Co-defendants –



Approximately 125 Latino asylum seekers have been transferred to Sheridan prison, just down the road from McMinville. This action is the direct result of the Trump administration, via Jeff Sessions, criminalizing crossing the border to seek asylum. Prior to Sessions’ edict, the crossing was treated administratively, and all crossers were processed through civil procedures. With the criminalization of the seekers, the administration is justified in breaking up families and removing children from their parents, one as young as an infant at breast.

At last reported count, there were 10,000 children being held in various places. The problem with holding adults and children is getting extreme, hence the use of federal prisons like Sheridan. The administration reportedly plans to set up tent cities at various army posts to hold the border crossers. Unfortunately for all concerned, the criminalization of this offense will call for many ,many more judges than it is possible to produce in a short time; so don’t look for this problem to go away any time soon.

See the Indivsible Action Letter on this at to see what you can do to assist.



Look closely at any petitions you are asked to sign. The right is producing some strange ones, masquerading as just causes, IP 22, in particular, is to be avoided; its supporters hope to get it on the ballot in the fall. It is an anti-immigrant measure that is being sponsored by McMinville-based Oregonians for Immigration Reform (OFIR), which is a hate group linked to white supremacists.



Indivisible Cedar Mill has a busy project sending out about 500 postcards a month, supporting progressive candidates across the country. Our latest mailing was for Caleb Frostman, who just won a state senate seat in Wisconsin; we are now engaged in supporting Eric Holguin who is running in Texas to replace that squalid little man Blake Farenhold.

We will continue this operation, but would like to expand it to distant club members and progressives in general. The idea is this: each volunteer will tell me how many postcards they can buy, stamp, write and mail every month. I will then send these progressive volunteers the voters’ addresses and an information sheet about the upcoming election. The volunteers will then fill out the postcards and mail them as soon as they possibly can.

It is an effective way of getting out the vote! Tell me if you would like to participate and to pass the opportunity on to friends of yours. Reply to this e-mail address with number of cards you can handle.



Our monthly meeting is being changed from the second Monday of every month to the second Wednesday of each month.

The meeting is set for Wednesday, July 11,, at 1750 NW 131st, 97229.   Doors open at 6:30PM and the meeting starts promptly at 7:30 PM.  Refreshments, both adult and juvenile. will be provided along with a few tasty snacks.

L’audace, encore l’audace, et toujours l’audace!

Thank you.

John Fox