Author: Kathy Foldes

Indivisibles- We’re on the March! Aug. 28th!

Indivisible USA sent us this post:

We’ve got plans to make history next weekend and you’re invited — join activists like you next Saturday to take part in the historic March On for Voting Rights in cities across the country. This comes exactly fifty-eight years after Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech and led the historic March on Washington, calling on the nation to rise up and end the legalized racial discrimination plaguing the country.

Half a century later and in the middle of another racial justice reckoning, state legislatures around the country are trying to reinstate systemic discrimination at the ballot box. Now, Martin Luther King III will help lead Americans on another march in honor of his father. Whether you want to head to Washington, D.C., find a march near you, or join virtually, your members of Congress need to know that voting rights are on the line. Join us and demand that Congress act now by passing federal voting rights legislation.

Join the marches in person or online. Look for a local event!

This year alone, 48 states have introduced hundreds of voter suppression bills in an effort to stamp out participation in communities of color. Tactics like banning ballot drop boxes and mail-in voting, reducing early voting days and hours, restricting who can get a mail-in ballot, and more, are threatening our democracy in nearly every statehouse. Unfortunately, many of these racist, anti-democratic bills have already become law. Federal voting rights protections will guarantee everyone the right to vote — but we have to act now before it’s too late. Click here to sign up. And then, if you’re able, consider making a donation to help support our democracy reform efforts. 

Can’t go? Please donate to Indivisible at

Oregon state House Dist 33 House District 33 Redistricting Town Hall on Tuesday, September 7th at 6:30 PM event

Our area has grown so HD 33 with be redistricted. Let’s keep neighborhoods together that should be together. Voice your opinion!

Register in advance for 9/7 HD 33 Redistricting Town Hall with Rep. Maxine Dexter:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

This event will also be streamed live on Rep Dexter’s Facebook

Contact U.S. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici to urge true Clean Energy Standards

This is a critical time for the climate. Just look at our soaring temperatures, droughts, forest fires!

Urge Rep. Bonamici to cosponsor the American Renewable Energy Act which ensures renewables are prioritized in a CES (Clean Energy Standards). Call her today at 1-202-225-0855 (press #3 to bypass the blah blah). Remind her that natural gas produces greenhouse gases and should not be part of any clean energy policy.

And then….Post about this on your social media! Get the word out!

Push, push, push for the For the People Voting Rights Act!

The push is on! Call your senators, contact your networks to call their senators. At yesterday’s call with Senator Merkely, he advised us that The For the People Voting Rights Act will be coming up in August and pressure from the people can force filibuster reform that has blocked it from debate so far. We need to speak up every day and show up in Washington D.C., if possible, so that the whole country knows what is at stake.
As they say, Just Do It! Call your senators